Friday, January 28, 2011

Play killer guitar fast!

Discover the secrets to playing guitar like a pro and play all the hottest licks and songs fast.

Check it out!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Learn How to Play Guitar Now!!!

Learn How to Play Guitar Now

Have you ever wanted to pick up the guitar and start strumming your favorite songs but procrastinated? What about admiring musicians who are performing on stage? Perhaps you would have even asked yourself: "How can I be like them?" Well, the first thing you got to do is to take action and learn the guitar.
Many new guitar players fall into the trap of jumping straight into learning difficult songs because they were motivated by the notion to play their favorites songs. These guitarists often skip learning the fundamentals of playing the guitar and overtime, they suffer from burnout as they find it increasingly difficult to achieve the results they want.
Well then, you'll probably have this question in mind now. "Okay, I know I need to learn the fundamentals of playing the guitar but what exactly are they?" One of the first things that beginner guitarists need to know is basically how to tune a guitar. Just think of it, if you are playing an out of tuned guitar, how can anything sound good? Make it a point before every practice session that you ensure your guitars are tuned.
The next most important thing that novice guitarists should learn is the different parts of the guitar. Why? Many of the online guitar lessons will refer to specific parts of the guitar such as the bridge, body etc. Without prior knowledge of these guitar parts, a beginner guitar player may end up wasting more time and worse still, misinterpret theguitar lessons and learn the wrong stuff.

Guitar lessons

This section will basically be comprised of a collection of guitar articles on general guitar subjects. These articles will cover a wide range of other useful guitar tips and hints on stuff such as purchasing new guitars or even using the capo. Of course, you can also find every day stuff on guitar maintenance which includes string changing, how to take care of your axe and etc.

I have even included some of my personal strategies and experiences that you can implement into your guitar playing career. Some of these guitar articles include by being able to staying motivated to bring out the best in your musical talents, and even starting a band.

Perhaps you might also be asking yourself? "Hmmm, I have finished the guitar lessons in Where do I go next? What should I do next?" Well, there will be articles that will touch on further musical studies or even finding a right guitar teacher.

Do take some time to read through these articles to gain further general knowledge on the guitar instrument. If you have an interesting article that you want to contribute for the greater good of the guitarist community, be sure to drop us a mail. You can also contact us for any guitar lessons or article request.

Online Guitar Lessons

There are many young guitar players that commonly try to accomplish a little bit too much all at once and often disregard beginner guitar lesson chords and scales. However, what many of these players do not realize is how much these lessons can help you build technique and increase your overall ability to develop as a guitarist. Below we will walk you through some of the aspects of these lessons that can be so beneficial.
In order to build finger strength and overall dexterity, it's extremely important to practice with the help of exercises. Sure learning your favorite song will allow you to learn a few new chords or a riff, but utilizing a variety of different warm up and practice exercises designed to increase dexterity is a must. It's also quite common for players to learn chords through learning songs and not really know much about them. This is precisely where guitar lesson chords come in handy.
Developing the ability to play and write with your guitar fluidly is one that requires more than simply an understanding of a chords shape. In order to increase your overall ability when improvising, writing, or jamming you must increase your understanding of chord structures. Beginner and intermediateguitar lessons chords will give you a basic to build from and expand your knowledge.
Perhaps the most notable reason of all of learning guitar lessons chords through tabs or other interactive lessons is the ability to avoid learning bad habits early on. One of the biggest problems that a lot of guitarists have when trying to advance their playing is being held back by old bad habits they developed through not taking proper lessons. These can come in the shape of many issues from picking problems to chord changes. One of the most common issues is players that have developed odd ways of playing chords that are considered unconventional. While the fingering of any given chord might have worked for the player at one time, learning new chords or scales might prove to be a lot more difficult as they are not designed for someone who plays the way he does. This is why developing good habits for the way you play early on will most likely save you a lot of frustration when trying to advance your skill set even further in the future.
Another great reason why all players should be learning guitar lessons chords and scales is simply for practice. Commonly sticking to learning the same songs from one or two of your favorite bands or genres will not give your playing the depth that comes from traditional lessons. All great guitarists have learned many different techniques that span genres and generations and never limit themselves. You may not realize how learning jazz and blues chords will help you write songs now, but you will not know how you could live without them once you do.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Learn to Play Guitar Like A Pro !!!

Learn to Play Guitar Like A Pro

There is no greater feeling than learning your first guitar scale. Combined with knowing your basic chords, having a couple of guitar scales under your belt is a sure fire way to know that you're on your way to going from being a newbie musician to an amateur musician.
I would like to share with you a couple of scale techniques that will help you in learning your scales while you practice guitar.

When practicing your guitar scales, there are couple of points to keep in mind while learning how to practice your guitar scales like a pro.

1. Practice slow
2. Proper technique
3. Your right hand

1. Practice slow: When practicing a new guitar scale, there is a tendency to want to practice your guitar scale as fast as possible. I would like to encourage you to go the reverse route. Learn your scales extremely slow. The general rule of thumb when learning your guitar scales is "The slower you go, the faster you will become." What this means is that the slower you practice your guitar scales, your fingers will become more technically proficient in memorizing the guitar fret board when learning a new scale. As you learn the new scale slowly, over and over again, you will in time be able to increase your speed until you will be able to get really fast when playing your guitar scales.

2. Proper technique: Make sure that when you're practicing your guitar scales to ensure that you are using proper left hand fingering technique. It can be very easy to only want to use the first three fingers on your left hand that you are most comfortable playing with. I would encourage you to learn to play your guitar scales with all 4 fingers. In time, playing with all 4 fingers will allow you to be able to play more notes, at a faster pace, if need be. You will also not be limited to what I call positional three finger playing. Positional three finger playing gives a guitar player less solo and speed options.

3. Your right hand: A key factor that most guitar players forget about is their right hand. When practicing your guitar scales, make sure that you are utilizing your right hand properly. This can be done in a couple of ways. Make sure that you are holding your guitar pick properly. Decide ahead of time that when you practice the guitar with your right hand, you will use what is called alternate picking. Alternate picking is when you practice your guitar scales with your right hand alternating the pick going: up, down, up, down. Many guitar players play only with down stroke's or upstroke's. Break this cycle right now and play your guitar scales like a pro by utilizing alternate picking.
Click here and learn to play!!!!

How To Play Guitar Like A Pro!!!

How To Play Guitar Like A Pro

Having taught guitar for many years, I see the majority of beginners experiencing the same problems and making the same mistakes over and over again in their quest to learn how to play guitar. It's my job to steer them through these problem areas.

These "mistakes" are basic errors that most beginners naturally tend to make. But these mistakes can cause major problems if you allow them to become habits in your playing. Unfortunately, 90% of guitarists have done just that!

Avoid These 3 Mistakes Like The plague

The three main mistakes MOST people make when learning how to play guitar are:

1: Trying to play too fast too soon.

Don't be in such a rush. Trying to go too fast too soon causes serious problems. Sloppy playing and mistakes will become your trademark.

Learn to practice slowly and perfectly. The reason for this, is, what you program your brain and fingers with while practicing, is what you'll get as a habitual and subconscious end result.

The GIGO computer term describes it best. Garbage In = Garbage Out. If you program a computer with faulty data, your results will be faulty too. It's exactly the same with learning how to play guitar.

So practice everything very slowly and perfectly. Do this, and your playing will be to a higher standard than 90% of all other guitarists. Yes - even those that have been playing for years!

2: Too much body and hand tension.

Have you ever noticed how the top professionals make it all look so easy and effortless? How relaxed they are?

Take a lesson from that.

When learning how to play guitar, and in all practice sessions, you need to be as relaxed as possible at all times.

Unnecessary tension anywhere in the body when playing will stop you like a brick wall. Any "excess" tension in your fingers, hands, arms, elbows, wrists, shoulders, neck, chest, stomach, thighs, legs is extremely hazardous to learning how to play guitar properly.

Practicing the right things in the right way will give you amazing results - even if you practice only 10 - 20 minutes a day.

3: Learn the difference between practice time and noodling time.

Basically, you learn how to play guitar in two ways:- 1: when you practice, and, 2: when you noodle and try out new ideas.

Practice Time is SERIOUS Time!

It's when you are specifically and very deliberately teaching your body and brain new motor and muscle-memory skills. This is all done very slowly, with great care and meticulous attention to detail. Never practice fast.

Practice time is where you develop muscle-memory and train your body to act in the most beneficial way for playing guitar. Remember - GIGO!

This is the foundation building time.. where you lay the foundation for learning HOW to play guitar the best way you can - without imposing limitations upon yourself through bad practice habits.

Noodling Time.

Noodling Time is where you learn how to play guitar by putting into practice what you study during your practice time. It's where you to steal licks, chords and solos off records. It's where you hunch over your cd player or computer with your guitar trying to hear and learn that tricky chord or lick.

It's where good habits can easily become undone!

Better to do this... Once you learn a lick, sit down in your chair in the proper position and play that lick over and over at a slow speed while focusing on being as relaxed as possible and with absolute minimal finger movement. Program that lick, your physical movements and relaxation "perfectly" into your brain. Only when it becomes 2nd nature to you, and you "own" that lick, should you start speeding up.

But... always focus on being as relaxed as possible.

Noodling is fun, and a necessary part of learning how to play guitar. Do as much as you can. But.. don't mistake it for real practice time. Don't noodle with bad habits either.

Next... you need to ensure you are practicing the correct things in the correct way too.
See if you got what it takes to learn my way, click here to see!!!